Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One Week From Now....

The countdown is on - we are only a week away from departure for our first official Kids' Trek journey, and oh boy, are the kids getting excited. Our fundraising was a big success - thank you to everyone who came to our movie nights, garage sale, and family games nights; to everyone who bought chocolates and candles; and to all the businesses who supported us on our journey through letting us help with advertising. Watch for regularly scheduled events starting in the early fall in and around Saskatoon (and wherever you live, if you decide to become a member!) as we continue our educational expeditions around Canada each year!

The kids are eagerly reviewing maps of the areas we are planning to travel to. Because one member of our group requires dialysis and is only able to receive it in Halifax, one family is travelling directly to Halifax from Saskatoon. The Anderson family leaves June 21 and they are taking the VIA Rail train the ENTIRE way to Halifax! The Quintin family is leaving Saskatoon on June 20 and flying to Ottawa.   In Ottawa, we will have the pleasure of exploring Parliament Hill and the Museum of Civilization, as well as visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. From Ottawa, Quintins will take a VIA Rail commuter train to Montreal and meet the Andersons at the station stop. We will then travel together by train to Halifax, where we are staying in a vacation home located within easy walking distance of almost everything we want to see in the Halifax area. We are going to ensure the kids visit Pier 21 (Canadian Museum of Immigration), the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, the Citadel,  the Discovery  Centre Halifax, and more. Day trips from Halifax will include some time at the Bay of Fundy and maybe, if we're lucky, the Fortress at Louisbourg.

From Halifax we are driving to Prince Edward Island on Canada Day, to experience the biggest fireworks festival east of Montreal. As we drive in, we hope to spend the day at Cavendish and at the beach in Prince Edward Island National Park (with a stop at Green Gables, of course!). On to Charlottetown for Canada Day festivities, visits to Founders Hall, Confederation Players Walking Tours or a Harbour Hippo Tour, and hopefully a visit to Province House, where the Charlottetown Conference was held in 1864 to hash out Confederation. While in Charlottetown we are staying at the beautiful Hotel on Pownal.

On July 3rd, Quintins hoof it back to Halifax early in the morning to catch a flight to St. John's, Newfoundland, while the Andersons fly home on July 4th. While in St. John's, we'll be staying in a bed and breakfast for three nights before flying home to Saskatoon on July 6th. We are hoping to see the Johnson GEO Centre, Signal Hill, The Rooms, and much, much more - including a lovely lighthouse picnic if the weather holds. I don't think we'll be in time to watch icebergs, but we might see humpback whales!

Do you think we can experience it all??? Stay tuned! Daily blog updates will start on June 20th!

1 comment:

  1. Big Sis Says: GO KID'S TREK GO!! CHEERS!
