Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Magical Fundraising Success - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2!

Last Thursday July 14th, Kids' Trek was fortunate to be able to provide an advanced screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 for our supporters. We sold over 300 tickets to this event, and the costumes were outstanding! The price for each ticket exactly covered what we were charged for the 3D movie, a small popcorn and small pop. We were so fortunate to have some fabulous door prizes sponsors:

McNally Robinson
Dragon's Den Games
Riverside Badminton and Tennis Club
Teachers' Trunk
8th Street Books and Comics
Leven's Coffee
Burron Lumber
Dairy Queen
Benesh Bitz & Company

It took a while to get through them all and have everyone come down to the table and choose something, so thanks to the staff at Galaxy Theatre for holding off the previews until we were done - greatly appreciated!

We also had some fantastic raffle prizes. I was so excited that everyone who won the Potterabilia was about eleven years old - Congratulations to Mason, Breanna, and Sheldon, who won the following prizes (in no particular order):

Dumbedore's Wand in Ollivander's Box, sponsored by Saskcon Repair Services Ltd.
Voldemort's Wand in Ollivander's Box, sponsored by Dragon's Den Games
Harry Potter Artefact Box, sponsored by Kids' Trek.

and last but certainly not least - a remote control mini helicopter provided by Hobbyworld in Saskatoon. This was won by "J" and I hope he is enjoying it!

Thanks to everyone who came out to support our journey to eastern Canada and the Maritimes. Here are some photos of the parents in our group in our Potter costumes to make your day!

Alice (who found a great robe that I would have snagged if I'd spotted it first!), Mom to Kodi

Adelle and Bruce (parents to Brendan and Shaeleigh), as Trelawny and Hagrid.

Kim and Carol-Lynne (parents to Morgan), as Snape and Molly

Special Guests prior to the event - thanks for coming, Harry and Rita!

If anyone has any other photos from the pre-event (of course there were no photos during the movie!) please feel free to email them to us at and we will post them. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Three Families Strong - and an Advanced Screening of a Magical Movie!

Alice and I are happy to welcome Bruce, Adelle, Brendan and Shaeleigh to our journey! This brings our participants to eight, which is a great size of group. We can accommodate around twenty, so we will continue spreading the word, but I am so happy to finally have a committed group!

Our first fundraiser of this year is taking place on July 14th at Galaxy Cinemas in Saskatoon. We are hosting an advanced screening of the final installment of a very popular young wizard movie. We have a pre-event planned starting at 5:30 and the movie itself starts at 6:30. There will be door prizes, a 50/50, Potterabilia prizes, and of course, the movie itself, in 3D. Tickets are $20 and include the pre-event, the movie, a small drink and a small popcorn. Message for details or leave a comment if you want an invitation. We aren't allowed to publicly advertise for this event but I can tell you I am wishing I'd read all seven Rowling books before now :)

Thank you to our existing prize sponsors so far - McNally Robinson Bookstore, Riverside Badminton and Tennis Club, and Dairy Queen. You guys rock!
